Creative Practitioners


Our website serves as a creative online outlet for creative practitioners to share their work, opinions and experiences. This tends to take the form of an article, an interview, a review or a visual, but our subject matter is unlimited and expansive, and we are forever excited by every new idea. The process is simple; students create, then we get the work online-ready, before sharing it and shouting about it across social media.

Submission Requirements:
To submit an article, a selections of images for the Visualisation section or even get in touch about being featured in the interview series, drop us an email with your content and the following and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

All you need to do is include the following:

  • Your full name
  • Title of article, book review, image or profession (if interview)
  • Where and what you’re studying (studied)
  • Website, social media links and blog



A secondary outlet for creative practitioners is our printed work. We’ve published books and various publications, either independently or in partnership. These physical works are thoughtfully and beautifully designed, and always mindful of their audience. We remain in love with the print medium, and that shows.


To discuss your book proposal email, we’d love to hear all about it.

For Universities and Creative Institutes click here